What’s an e-Body of Knowledge (eBoK)?
Traditional documents are static
Search is a problem. Most search engines return a list of documents. You have to scroll through page after page of results trying to figure out if any are a good match for your situation. And even if you find any relevant documents, you still have to work at extracting meaningful and actionable knowledge…

This goes for most formats, whether paper or electronic. Any updates mean the author and/or publisher has to produce and release a new version, often with a list of changes. The process is slow, to the point where changes in the subject matter may be happening faster than the ability to publish timely revisions.
eBoKs are dynamic
eBoKs give you immediate updates and a more encapsulated presentation. They extend traditional publishing by using tools such as knowledge graphs, which help you connect many of the dots which are often hidden from view…

eBoKs provide easier and more relevant search and navigation. They combine cognitive and semantic-based approaches to searching for and discovering new knowledge. And it’s all done with human-supervised curation.
Ultimately, eBoKs will support AI-based generation of context-specific information and advice. When used in the right way, they guide you through a virtuous cycle of continuous knowledge discovery and refinement.
All of this means faster and better decisions, with less time and money wasted on searching and wading through large volumes of data and information.
Which means you have a much better chance of knowing what you need to know when you need to know it, as opposed to problems and opportunities slipping by unnoticed. Or worse, finding out that you’ve been working with incorrect or outdated knowledge.